
Old Norwegian Dictionary - teppa

Meaning of Old Norwegian word "teppa" in Norwegian.

As defined by the Johan Fritzer's Old Norwegian dictionary:

teppa, v. (pt) 1) indeslutte, indespærre;koma Birkibeinum dyn fyri dyr okteppa þá inni í dölunum Fm. VIII, 60&vl 4; þeir konungr tengja saman skipsín um þveran váginn fyrir útan - okbúa svá um, at Sveinn væri inni teptrí váginom Fm. XI, 6313; vildi eigi látateppa sik þar, svá at hann mætti eigiþegar aptr snúa, at hann vildi Vem.2441; eigi man síðarr kostr at flýja, erAbsalon kemr með allan her ok teppiross inni (nl. í borginni) Stj. 52625. 2) afspærre, tillukke, gjøre ufremkommelig;ef Darius konungr hefði þannog skjót-ari orðit, þá hefði hann þar mátt teppaAlexandro stig Alex. 2010; teppa eyruná hesti Klm. 28212.

Part of speech: v

Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᛏᚽᛕᛕᛆ
Medieval Runes were used in Norway from 11th to 15th centuries.
Futhork was a continuation of earlier Younger Futhark runes, which were used to write Old Norse.

Abbreviations used:


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